Red Seal
Second Grade Refrigeration Engineer 2-B
Red Seal Refrigeration Engineer 2-B Overview
The Red Seal Refrigeration 2-B license is required for refrigeration systems that contain a toxic refrigerant and have a capacity of over 65 tons and up to 300 tons.
Requirements: Red Seal Refrigeration Engineer 2-B
Applicants must work in a plant with at least 65 tons of refrigeration capacity and up to 300 tons. This plant must contain a toxic refrigerant. Toxic Refrigerants include R-123 or R717 (ammonia).
Applicants are required to have one year of experience with a valid Blue Seal 2-C (Toxic) Refrigeration license.
Endorsements Required
The application will require a management endorsement along with two engineer endorsements. These are engineers who hold a valid Blue, Red, or Gold Seal license.
Application and Test
Your application will contain all of your refrigeration information, which can be found on your refrigeration certificates of inspection (COI) located in your plant. These are typically posted on the wall near your equipment or in your glass case.
The New Jersey State Exam is a scantron-style, 50-question (multiple-choice) test. A 70% or better is required for a passing grade.